Object type

A Hundred Years of the Sleeping Car


Poster, 'Starsky & Hutch, Stay off the line and stay alive!'


Museums of British Transport


'I thought i could just make it...'


British Railways corporate identity documents


Your New Uniform


Rail Rovers - Freedom in any direction - See the best of Britain by Train


It's all just a train ride away


Dedham Church as seen from an Intercity train


Oh! Wouldn't You Like to be Beside the Seaside

Why Throw Away the Future?


I Like Travelling by Train But....

Diesel and Electric Train Locomotives - National Traction Plan


Poster, 'Starsky & Hutch, Stay off the line and stay alive!'


'Play Safe - Don't Play on the Railway'


transport act 1962


British Railways poster. Inter-City Sleepers. Overground by Night, 1974


Its all just a train ride away


North Norfolk, Its All Just a Train Ride Away


Poster, Settle and Carlisle Line


Train Your Car, Let British Railways Do The Long Hard Drive



I Like Travelling by Train But....

I Like Travelling by Train But...

Booklet, paper with card covers, Noise and The Channel Tunnel Rail Link, issued by the British Railways Board, Oct. 1974. Describes the anticipated noise from the rail link, measuring railway noise, noise reduction etc. Printed by Group Design & Print Ltd. Supported by a report from the BRB R&D Division Physics Section entitled 'Railway noise and the environment - a summary.'

Noise and The Channel Tunnel Rail Link


Booklet, paper with card covers, British Railways Board Accommodation Standards, issued by the British Railways Board, 1980. BR document no. 87111. 9pp. Printed by Taylor Printing of Blackpool.

British Railways Board Accomodation Standards


Booklet, paper with card covers, Pay and Efficiency(Footplate Staff) - Agreement between the British Railways Board, Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers & Firemen and National Union of Railwaymen, issued by the Industrial Relations Department of the British Railways Board, Aug. 1968. Circular Letter No. 62. BR document no. 6546/1. 7pp. Printed by the Whitefrairs Press. (Sometimes referred to as 'The Green Book' along with the Board's other agreement booklets issued in late summer and autumn 1968).

Pay and Efficiency (Footplate Staff) - Agreement between the British Railways Board, Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers & Firemen and National Union of Railwaymen


Booklet, paper with card covers, Pay and Efficiency - Station Masters etc. and Supervisors (except Workshop and Electrical) - Agreement between the British Railways Board, Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers & Firemen, National Union of Railwaymen and Transport Salaried Staffs' Association, issued by the Industrial Relations Department of the British Railways Board, 10 Oct. 1968. Circular Letter No. 64. 14pp. Printed by Watford Printers Ltd. (Sometimes referred to as 'The Green Book' along with the Board's other agreement booklets issued in late summer and autumn 1968).

Pay and Efficiency - Station Masters etc. and Supervisors (except Workshop and Electrical) - Agreement between the British Railways Board, Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers & Firemen, National Union of Railwaymen and Transport Salaried Staffs' Association


Booklet, paper with card covers, Pay and Efficiency - the Board's Offer, issued by the Industrial Relations Department of the British Railways Board, Feb. 1968. Setting out the BRB pay offer and new pay structure. 24pp. Printed by the Curwen Press. (Sometimes referred to as 'The Orange Book' along with the Board's review booklet issued in Nov. 1967).

Pay and Efficiency - The Board's Offer


Booklet, paper with card covers, Pay and Efficiency - Agreement between the British Railways Board and National Union of Railwaymen, issued by the Industrial Relations Department of the British Railways Board, Aug. 1968. Circular Letter No. 61. BR document no. 6546. 32pp. Printed by the Whitefrairs Press. (Sometimes referred to as 'The Green Book' along with the Board's other agreement booklets issued in late summer and autumn 1968).

Pay and Efficiency - Agreement between the British Railways Board and National Union of Railwaymen


Booklet, paper with card covers, Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963, issued by the British Railways Board, 1980s. BR document no. 7951/8. 14pp. Abstract of the act and regulations. Cover marked 'To be kept in a prominent position.'

Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963


Daily log sheet (blank) for recording performance data from the test runs of the prototype "Deltic" locomotive. Log sheet headed "Job Enterprise". From the collection of W J Fryer, the Inspector on the trial runs (and donated by his son-in-law), c1955. With typed recipe on the reverse.

Deltic locomotive "job enterprise" daily log sheet


Booklet, "Instructions to Staff Engaged on Maintenance of Signalling Apparatus", 1974. First published February 1952, revised October 1974. Issued by British Railways Board, British Railways Signal & Telecommunications Engineering Department. BR 13445 Hardback, good condition.

Instructions to Staff Engaged on Maintenance of Signalling Apparatus


Railway Director's Official Diary, British Railways Board 1968. Includes lists of key officers and selected staff, London Transport map inside end cover. Red cover, total number of pages about 140.

Railway Director's Official Diary, British Railways Board


Booklet, British Railways Board, "Restructuring the Railway Field Organisation. The British Rail/McKinsey & Co. Joint Report. A Condensed Version". May 1971. Pages bound in green card. Good condition.

Restructuring the Railway Field Organisation. The British Rail/McKinsey & Co. Joint Report. A Condensed Version.


Diagram book issued by the British Railways Board Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Department, entitled 'Vehicle Diagram Book No300 for Privately Owned Frieght Vehicles (Part 2)'. Includes private owner vehicle index. A4 photocopied pages in white card cover with metal binding.

Vehicle Diagram Book No. 300 for Privately Owned Freight Vehicles (Part 2)

Manual issued to BR staff by BRB Chief Mechanical & Electrical Engineer's Department (CMEE). Manual describes the operating features of the high-capacity Covered Hopper Lime Wagon (an adaption of the HAA merry-go-round coal wagon) and sets out the wagon's maintenance schedule. Publication no. MT/28.

Covered Lime Hoppers Description & Maintenance


Leaflet produced jointly by the British Railways Board and the British Tourist Board' 'The Romance of Steam. Northumbria. The world's first public passenger steam railway'. Published as part of the 150th anniversary of passenger railways celebrations.

Leflet entitled The Romance of Steam: Northumbria, The world's first public passenger steam railway


Booklet, British Railways Board, "B.R. Directive on the Servicing of Signalling Relays". Signal and Telecommunications Engineering Department. Folded pages in brown card cover. Good condition. BR13409

B.R. Directive on the Servicing of Signalling Relays

Booklet issued to staff by British Railways Board entitled 'Rules of the British Railways (Wages Grades) Pension Fund', August 1967. BR 6569/6

Rules of the British Railways (Wages Grade) Pension Fund


Catalogue entitled 'Ticket Office Furniture and Equipment Catalogue' (Draft). Issued by the Chief Architect, British Railways Board, March 1974, revised February 1982. 42 A4 printed pages in brown card cover in plastic binder.

Ticket Office Furniture and Equipment Catalogue


Railway Director's Official Diary, British Railways Board 1969. Includes lists of key officers and selected staff, London Transport map inside end cover. Black cover, total number of pages about 140.

Railway Director's Official Diary, British Railways Board


Railway Director's Official Diary, British Railways Board 1974, dark green. Includes lists of key officers and selected staff, various system maps at end. Total number of pages about 80.

Railway Director's Official Diary, British Railways Board


Instruction book issued to civil engineers entitled 'General Instructions for the Installation and Maintenance of Ballasted Track with Continuous Welded Rail'. 1978, British Railways Board. BR 36826 Pages fastened together in yellow plastic folder. Good condition.

General Instructions for the Installation and Maintenance of Ballasted Track with Continuous Welded Rail


Leaflet, British Bailways Board, "Super Save from London", booklet giving details of fares and other travel information to encourage travellers to book a month in advance booking form provided, cover illustration small photo of various travellers, number of pages 20.

British Railways Board: Super Save from London


Manual issued by the Chief Passenger Planning Manager, British Railways Board entitled 'Passenger Stations List of Names and Three-Letter Codes' Part 1, arranged in alphabetical order of station names by territories. January 1974. 47 pages in plastic spiral binding with pink card cover. B.R.2487

Passenger Stations. List of Names and Three-Letter Codes


Two copies of booklet issued by British Railways Board entitled 'Savings Bank Rules', each with different amendments. BR2276/19

British Railways Board Savings Bank Rules


Leaflet issued by the British Railways Board as a Personal Message to all Members of the L.N.E.R. Superannuation Fund regarding the Salaried Staff Assistance Fund.

Salaried Satff Assistance Fund


'Catalogue of Modular Steel Furniture for use in Ticket Offices', issued by the Department of Architecture and Design, British Railways Board, October 1989. 11 A4 printed sheets in blue card cover with plastic binding.

Catalogue of Modular Steel Furniture for use in Ticket Offices


British Railways Board report "East Coast Main Line Electrification- Requirement to wire across listed viaducts" by D.L. Heath, Project Director, Electrification, January 1987. 5pp.

East Coast Main Line Electrification- Requirement to wire across listed viaducts
